Kinross Fort Knox
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About Us
Fort Knox is one of Kinross’ largest producing mines and a center of excellence for the Company as one of the few cold weather heap leach facilities in the world. In 2021 Kinross Fort Knox celebrated 25 years of operation!
Fort Knox is an open-pit gold mine located near the City of Fairbanks, Alaska, in one of the largest gold-producing areas of the state. It is mined by conventional open-pit methods, with ore processed at a mill and heap leach facility.
The mill has a daily capacity of up to 45,000 tonnes, with large volumes of lower-grade ore and mineralized waste materials processed in the heap leach.
Production from the heap leach began in late 2009, which increased mine life and helped lower costs. In 2019, the site poured its eighth million ounces of gold.
Looking for employment opportunities? Visit: https://jobs.kinross.com/search/?q=&q2=&alertId=&locationsearch=&title=&location=fairbanks&date=Video Media
- 25+ years in interior Alaska
- 8 million ounces
- 100% of our employees live locally
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School Tours
Breast Cancer Awareness
Arctic Innovation Competition
Gold Pour
Food Bank Volunteering
Troth Yeddha- UAF
Financial Planning & Analysis Superintendent
Category: Financial Services*Fort Knox is NOT a camp mine*Job Description Financial Planning Analysis (FP&A) Superintendent is responsible for preparing and applying overall Kinross guidelines to forward looking information processes, including preparation of mine site strategic business plans (SBP), budgets and forecasts, analysis to support the validity of the budgeted/forecasted results, analysis of actual results ...read moreTell a Friend