Fairbanks Chamber Weekly Business Presentation: "Update on Contango Ore Activities and Commentary on Metal Markets"
Featuring Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse, President
Contango ORE
Update on advancing our Manh Choh and Lucky Shot projects; comments on the gold and metals markets; and US federal policies regarding critical metals development and how they effect Alaska.
Fairbanks Chamber Weekly Business Pre...Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM AKDTDoors open and networking begin at 11:30AM
Program begins promptly at 12:00PM
Wedgewood Resort
212 Wedgewood Drive
Fairbanks, AK 99701Fees/Admission
Listening Fee - $5/person
Lunch ticket - $25/person
Table Sponsorship - $210 *includes 8 lunch tickets and guaranteed premium seating
Listening Fee - $5/person
Lunch ticket - $30/person
Table Sponsorship - $240 *includes 8 lunch tickets and guaranteed premium seating
*Any questions regarding payment or registration please call (907)452-1105 or email info@fairbankschamber.orgContact Information
(907) 374-6705
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