Department of Labor Job X Virtual Meeting
Job X provides employers an opportunity to meet with vocational professionals and express their business needs, hiring and retention challenges, and work values. It is also a platform to educate employment specialists on what types of candidates are appropriate and what types of job opportunities are available.
Each meeting will be one hour long and will follow a semi-formal agenda. Each meeting will have a guest speaker for 20-30 minutes ranging from different local employers to community support agencies that serve both employment candidates as well as businesses. There will be opportunities to announce local job openings and community employment events, as well as network and ask questions of employers, community support agencies and employment specialists. Job seekers are not a part of this group or these meetings. This group is open to hiring professionals, employment specialists and partner agencies. This open group does not require weekly attendance, but rather popping in and out of meetings that appeal to you. Contact Dennis Davis at dennis.davis@alaska.gov to get added to the mailing list so you always know who the next presenter will be.
Department of Labor Job X Virtual Mee...Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 24, 2026
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM AKDTEvery other Tuesday from 10am-11am
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 5799 9032
Passcode: L4cX96
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Meeting ID: 821 5799 9032
Passcode: 339490
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Contact Information
Dennis Davis, Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (907)451-3019
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