Building Resiliency: How Climate Change is Impacting Our Physical and Men
In our rapidly changing world, some are struggling with how to maintain grounded and hopeful. This session focuses on recent research confirming that climate change is impacting our physical and mental health, including a greater risk of depression and even suicide. There are many self-help, therapist backed tips to help us become resilient in the face of changes accompanying changes in climate. This session will provide tools for reducing anxiety and maintaining health. This is the last in a five-part educational webinar series by AARP Alaska and the Juneau Commission on Sustainability examining practical ways to reduce our carbon footprints while improving our communities for everyone. Each session featured speakers with universal application while highlighting local solutions, followed by a brief introductory presentation, a series of panelists shared practical information and tips on carbon footprint reduction in Juneau and beyond. Register: https://aarp.cventevents.com/MAY42022JCAT
Building Resiliency: How Climate Chan...Date and Time
Wednesday May 4, 2022
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM AKDTWednesday, May 4, 2022, 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
ZOOM Link : https://aarp-volunteer-org.zoom.us/j/99004742003?pwd=M2QwSDgyQmdvNVhPdEVPYmRVaGxkQT09
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