Alaska’s New Voting System: Ranked Choice Voting...How does it work?
Join AARP Alaska to learn about how Ranked Choice Voting and the new open primary election will work. Jason Grenn from Alaskans for Better Elections will present an overview of the changes to the Alaska’s voting system. We know that Alaskans over 50 are super voters...so it is important for all of us to understand how this new voting system will work. Register: https://aarp.cventevents.com/MAYRCV2022
Alaska’s New Voting System: Ranked Ch...Date and Time
Wednesday May 25, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AKDTFriday, May 25, 2022, 11 AM to 12 PM
ZOOM Link : https://aarp-org.zoom.us/j/98406446212?pwd=d3RJMWVzQk9sWFkwejBZZFN0QXpHQT09
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