2022 Archaeological Field School
This summer (Summer Session II - June 27th - August 5th) we will resume excavation at the Chena Townsite, a Gold-Rush-era settlement just outside of Fairbanks. Students will live in their own accommodations or on campus and report to the site daily. Students will provide their own lunches, but all tools, equipment, and transportation will be provided. Participants will learn the fundamental skills of archaeological fieldwork while excavating and documenting historic structures and artifacts. They will examine artifacts, botanicals, sediments, and faunal materials to learn analytical techniques while providing insight into the lives of the traders, miners, and other members of this short-lived historic community.
2022 Archaeological Field SchoolDate and Time
Friday Apr 1, 2022
Contact Information
How to apply: Please Contact Dr. Justin Cramb prior to registration for permission to enroll. Please email Dr. Cramb (jecramb@alaska.edu) the following; A one-page letter of application documenting why you want to be a part of this field school and an unofficial transcript
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