The Wolf Pack MCJROTC Booster Club (501c3 EIN 93-4142012) cordially invites all Veterans and military families who are interested in attending the 249th Marine Corps Ball Ceremony to celebrate the Birth of the Marine Corps. November is National Veteran and Military Families Month! The event is a Fundraiser benefiting the local JROTC students at West Valley High School. This is a formal event, so dress your best and enjoy a three-course dinner (Salad w/dinner roll, Main dish, & Sinfully Sweet Birthday Cake) and a small memento to commemorate the event. The event is an alcohol and tobacco-free event.
Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
5:00 PM - 10:00 PM AKST
Tuesday, the 26th of November 2024 / 1700 (5:00 pm) to 2200 (10:00 pm). NO ENTRY AT 1800 (6:00 pm) during the ceremony, so don't be late.
1700: Social hour is at five (1700) o'clock in the evening with a no-host bar, Root Beer, and Shirley Temple's; this is an alcohol and tobacco-free event. The West Valley High School String Quartet will provide social hour music.
1800: The Ceremony commences.
1900: Three Course Dinner (Salad w/dinner roll, Main dish, & Sinfully Sweet Birthday Cake)
1915: Guest Speaker Captain Eric Spitzer “D” Detachment Commander Alaska State Troopers
2000 - 2200: Dance hosted by DJ "DoubleGood"
Westmark Hotel
813 Noble St.
Fairbanks, AK 99701
$65 Single Ticket
$120 Couple
$480 Business or Organization Sponsor
Payment Link and instructions attached:
*Note that you must select $0.00 for the Website Fee before completing your payment. *The Preferred Payment method is Zeffy. They accept Google Pay, Apple Pay, or credit cards. If you are unable to pay online, exact cash or check will be accepted before the ceremony at the hotel.
Google Attendance Form
*This form must be completed by 2359 (11:59 pm) on November 21st and payment received by November 24th. Completion of this form obligates the individual to payment because meals will be ordered on your behalf.
CWO-5 Carlos Cruz USMC (Ret.)
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